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Dust Off Your Old Posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2015 7:10 PM | Deleted user

Posted By Todd Van Deak, Tuesday, Aug 25, 2015

By: Susan Young
Get In Front Communications

It's time for business bloggers to dust the cobwebs off of their old posts.

Many bloggers believe the content that's collecting dust should be deleted.

Not so fast!

I say you should only dump material that is outdated or embarrassing.

There’s a better way to use your ‘old stuff’. Give it flavor. Give it energy. First, go back and identify posts that you want to salvage. It’s important that the majority of the post is not dated and can easily be tweaked.

Once you determine the content you’d like to modify, consider these seven tips:

  1. Turn your post into a Slideshare deck. Visuals are the hot trend this year so pull a few main points from your written post and transform it into a snappy deck.Suggestion: Don’t use stock photos. Start building your own personal library of pictures and images. That’s what cell phone cameras are for, right?
  2. Use your voice and record a podcast. Your post is now your script, which will need short, punchy, and easy-to-understand sentences. Suggestion: Focus on your vocal vitality!
  3. Create an e-book. If you’ve been blogging regularly for six months, you should have more than 50 posts. Old content, as well as current posts should be included.Suggestion: Hire a Virtual Assistant and/or graphic designer to pull everything together.
  4. Produce a free ‘Special Report’ in a PDF format. Using three of your most popular or favorite posts, reformat the text, and update as needed. This new PDF can be used as an opt-in on your site to build your database and list. Suggestion:Stick to one theme or topic.
  5. Record a video blog based on your written content. Suggestion: Keep it casual and less than three minutes in length.
  6. Offer to guest post. Pitch a fresh version of your post to a respected leader in your industry with a large following. Suggestion: Be sure to find out the preferences of the person you are pitching. Ask about word count, deadline, bio box, and images.
  7. Transform your post into a bylined article. Identify a publication that your ideal clients read. Find out if they accept bylined articles and pitch your topic to the editor.Suggestion: Before spending an enormous amount of time reworking your piece, first pitch the topic and a few bulleted details.

One important note when repurposing content: Check all links to be sure they are not dead-ends.

Your blog is a business development AND marketing tool. It’s time to get creative!

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